08:50 We are aware that some customers on AS6 are experiencing connectivity issues. We are investigating and will provide updates. 09:05 Service restarted due to a stuck process consuming resources. Service has returned to normal.
Emergency Maintenance affecting AS9, AS7, AS14L1, AS11, AS10 19/03/2019
09:40 The following Aggregation services need to be moved off of the hardware they are currently on due to a hardware fault. AS9 AS7 AS14L1 AS11 AS10 We apologise for any inconvenience.
AS8 problematic 19/03/2019 Resolved
We have detected intermitted problems with the AS8 service were some accounts were not able to connect. 09:05 – Alerting reported problems with AS8. Engineers start to investigate. 09:25 – AS8 is restarted and moved to new hardware. 09:30 – Service restored. 09:35 – Service is still problematic. Engineers are working to resolve connectivity 09:45…
Maintenance affecting all UK Services 12/02/2019 and 13/02/2019
We will be conducting two service impacting maintenance events. The first is on the 12th February and the second is on the 13th February. Date: 12/02/2019 Time: 00:01 Duration: 3 Hours Impact: During the maintenance windows there will be short intervals of service disruption as services are migrated between server hardware. Date: 13/02/2019 Time:…
NOC Failure 29/01/2019 – Resolved
10:10 – We are currently experiencing a failure on NOC.SHAREDBAND.NET. Engineers are investigating and will restore service as soon as possible. This will impact all account management functionality for accounts hosted on NOC. 10:45 – NOC has been restored without impact to any service. All account functionality is now available.
Emergency Maintenance Atlanta 24/01/2019 – Completed
We have been informed by our networking provider that they will be performing emergency maintenance in Atlanta tomorrow morning. Date: 24/01/2019 Time: 02:00 EDT Duration: 1hr Impact: there will be a 20mim disruption to service during the maintenance.
Maintenance Affecting AS1, AS2, AS3, AS4, AS5, AS6 AS8, AS10 AS11, AS13 and AS16 14/01/2019 – Completed
We will be performing maintenance which will affect the following Aggregation Services. AS1 AS2 AS3 AS4 AS5 AS6 AS8 AS10 AS11 AS13 AS16 Date: 14/01/2019 Time: 22:00 Duration: 30 minutes
Sharedband Portal maintenance – 08/01/2019 – Completed
We will be performing maintenance on the Sharedband Portal (portal.sharedband.net) at 10PM on the 8th of January 2019. Date: 08/01/2019 Time: 22:00 GMT Duration: 1 Hour Impact: Sharedband account management and status will not be accessible during this maintenance. Service will however continue to operate normally. Details: This maintenance will involve some changes to the…
AS8 Intermitted connectivity problems 25/12/2018
Service Monitoring probes have detected intermittent connectivity issues with AS8. The service was restarted and service has returned to normal. We will continue to monitor the service for any further occurrences. Date: 25/12/2018 Time: 11:00 Resolved: 11:15
NOC upgrade 2.50.3 for NOC and UKNOC – Completed
We will be deploying the latest update to NOC and UKNOC tomorrow morning at 01:00. There will not be any service disruption during this upgrade. Date: 20/11/2018 Time: 01:00 Duration: 20 min Impact: None Details: This release fixes the failover NVRAM variables on the routers which were not being set correctly on multi-wan devices when…